SMRC Operation
SMRC meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Ashcroft Movie Theater (AMT) in the Ashcroft Clubhouse. See Upcoming Events for details.
Members pay annual dues of $35.00.
Friends pay annual dues of $15.00.
By-Laws (Adopted September 5, 2019)
BYLAWS of Shannondell Model Railroad Club
Article 1
Section 1.
The Club shall be called the SHANNONDELL MODEL RAILROAD CLUB.
Article 2
Section 1.
The Club is established to provide Shannondell residents the opportunity to engage in the arts and disciplines required to produce a model railroad facility for the edification and enjoyment of the Shannondell family.
Section 2.
Membership in the club shall be open to all residents of Shannondell and to interested staff members.
Article 3
Section 1.
The classes of Membership shall be as follows:
(1)Full Members: Full members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership, including participating in all Club activities, holding elective office, voting and having access to the train room. Actual train operation is upon completion of operator training.
(2)Friend of the Club: This is for those who want to support the work of the Club and actively participate in Club projects. They may attend monthly meetings but may not vote or hold elective office. They will be informed of and may participate in Club activities.
Section 2.
Those joining after July 1 shall pay one-half of the annual dues for the balance of the year.
Section 3.
All members shall adhere to the Bylaws and comply with all relevant safety regulations.
Article 4
Section 1.
The elected officers shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and three Members at Large for a total of seven. The elected officers shall serve as the Executive Committee.
Section 2.
All officers elected shall assume the duties of their respective offices at the first meeting of the new year. Officers shall be elected annually at the November meeting of the membership to serve for one year and may be re-elected for successive one year terms.
Article 5
Section 1.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee and shall report on any matter that, in his or her judgment, may be important to or of benefit to the Club. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2.
The Vice-President shall, in the event of absence of the President, act in his or her stead in
all matters.
Section 3.
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club and shall pay bills when approved and shall be custodian of and responsible for the dispersal and collection of all Club keys. He or she shall send out dues notices and be responsible for keeping the membership roster current.
Section 4.
The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Club and shall keep the minutes of the meetings.
Section 5.
The Members at Large are to serve as liaison with the general membership and may be assigned special projects by the President.
Section 6.
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the Club. Its duty shall be to consult with the President. It shall fill any vacant offices. Past Presidents of the Club shall serve as Ex-Officio (non-voting) Advisors to the Executive Committee.
Section 7.
The Executive Committee shall meet for the presentation, discussion, review, revision, and approval of major expenditures, project planning, and any other matters deemed necessary by the President before presentation to the Club Membership.
Article 6
Section 1.
The fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year.
Section 2.
Club Dues shall be determined by the Club Membership from time to time at the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Dues notices shall be sent by December 15th of each year and shall be payable by January 15th. They must be paid by January 31st and if not paid by that date the Member shall be removed from membership.
Section 3.
Membership dues, donations and any other Club income shall be deposited into a bank account established by the officers. The funds shall be in the custody of the Treasurer. They shall be used to purchase supplies and equipment and to pay other Club expenses. The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly report of income, expenses and cash balances and shall submit it to the membership.
Section 4.
The Club shall establish no charge accounts.
Section 5.
Either the President or Treasurer may approve expenditures of less than $100.
Expenditures of $100 or more must be approved by a majority of the membership present at the meeting at which the request for authorization is raised.
Article 7
Section 1.
All tools and equipment donated to the Club shall become the property of the Club after approval of the officers and shall remain within the club facility.
Section 2.
Donated equipment the Club does not wish to use may be disposed of by whatever means necessary for the convenience and/or profit of the Club.
Section 3.
Rolling Stock (locomotives and cars) belonging to individual Club members may be kept on the Club Layout and operated by any qualified member with all the due care and attention afforded the rolling stock belonging to the Club. Each item of personally owned rolling stock shall be marked on its underside with the owner’s initials. Maintenance, lubrication, and all repairs of such personal rolling stock shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. Should the owner of such rolling stock become incapacitated or otherwise unable to attend to and care for his or her property, it shall be removed from the layout and returned to the owner or the owner’s authorized representative.
Article 8
Section 1.
Meetings of the membership shall be held on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise determined.
Section 2.
Special Meetings may be called by the President at any time or shall be called at the written request of three members. Advance notice of the meeting shall be given to the membership stating the reason why the meeting is called.
Section 3.
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at the pleasure of the President.
Section 4.
The majority of Full Members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5.
The order of business at any monthly meeting shall be:
1.Consideration of the Minutes
2.Consideration of the Treasurer’s Report
3.Report of the President
4.Old Business
5.New Business
Article 9
Section 1.
These Bylaws shall be accepted or amended by a two-thirds vote of the Full Members of the Club present at a regular or special meeting. Five days prior written notice of the proposed action on the Bylaws shall be given all Full Members of the Club.
BYLAWS of Shannondell Model Railroad Club
Article 1
Section 1.
The Club shall be called the SHANNONDELL MODEL RAILROAD CLUB.
Article 2
Section 1.
The Club is established to provide Shannondell residents the opportunity to engage in the arts and disciplines required to produce a model railroad facility for the edification and enjoyment of the Shannondell family.
Section 2.
Membership in the club shall be open to all residents of Shannondell and to interested staff members.
Article 3
Section 1.
The classes of Membership shall be as follows:
(1)Full Members: Full members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership, including participating in all Club activities, holding elective office, voting and having access to the train room. Actual train operation is upon completion of operator training.
(2)Friend of the Club: This is for those who want to support the work of the Club and actively participate in Club projects. They may attend monthly meetings but may not vote or hold elective office. They will be informed of and may participate in Club activities.
Section 2.
Those joining after July 1 shall pay one-half of the annual dues for the balance of the year.
Section 3.
All members shall adhere to the Bylaws and comply with all relevant safety regulations.
Article 4
Section 1.
The elected officers shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and three Members at Large for a total of seven. The elected officers shall serve as the Executive Committee.
Section 2.
All officers elected shall assume the duties of their respective offices at the first meeting of the new year. Officers shall be elected annually at the November meeting of the membership to serve for one year and may be re-elected for successive one year terms.
Article 5
Section 1.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee and shall report on any matter that, in his or her judgment, may be important to or of benefit to the Club. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2.
The Vice-President shall, in the event of absence of the President, act in his or her stead in
all matters.
Section 3.
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club and shall pay bills when approved and shall be custodian of and responsible for the dispersal and collection of all Club keys. He or she shall send out dues notices and be responsible for keeping the membership roster current.
Section 4.
The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Club and shall keep the minutes of the meetings.
Section 5.
The Members at Large are to serve as liaison with the general membership and may be assigned special projects by the President.
Section 6.
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the Club. Its duty shall be to consult with the President. It shall fill any vacant offices. Past Presidents of the Club shall serve as Ex-Officio (non-voting) Advisors to the Executive Committee.
Section 7.
The Executive Committee shall meet for the presentation, discussion, review, revision, and approval of major expenditures, project planning, and any other matters deemed necessary by the President before presentation to the Club Membership.
Article 6
Section 1.
The fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year.
Section 2.
Club Dues shall be determined by the Club Membership from time to time at the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Dues notices shall be sent by December 15th of each year and shall be payable by January 15th. They must be paid by January 31st and if not paid by that date the Member shall be removed from membership.
Section 3.
Membership dues, donations and any other Club income shall be deposited into a bank account established by the officers. The funds shall be in the custody of the Treasurer. They shall be used to purchase supplies and equipment and to pay other Club expenses. The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly report of income, expenses and cash balances and shall submit it to the membership.
Section 4.
The Club shall establish no charge accounts.
Section 5.
Either the President or Treasurer may approve expenditures of less than $100.
Expenditures of $100 or more must be approved by a majority of the membership present at the meeting at which the request for authorization is raised.
Article 7
Section 1.
All tools and equipment donated to the Club shall become the property of the Club after approval of the officers and shall remain within the club facility.
Section 2.
Donated equipment the Club does not wish to use may be disposed of by whatever means necessary for the convenience and/or profit of the Club.
Section 3.
Rolling Stock (locomotives and cars) belonging to individual Club members may be kept on the Club Layout and operated by any qualified member with all the due care and attention afforded the rolling stock belonging to the Club. Each item of personally owned rolling stock shall be marked on its underside with the owner’s initials. Maintenance, lubrication, and all repairs of such personal rolling stock shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. Should the owner of such rolling stock become incapacitated or otherwise unable to attend to and care for his or her property, it shall be removed from the layout and returned to the owner or the owner’s authorized representative.
Article 8
Section 1.
Meetings of the membership shall be held on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise determined.
Section 2.
Special Meetings may be called by the President at any time or shall be called at the written request of three members. Advance notice of the meeting shall be given to the membership stating the reason why the meeting is called.
Section 3.
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at the pleasure of the President.
Section 4.
The majority of Full Members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5.
The order of business at any monthly meeting shall be:
1.Consideration of the Minutes
2.Consideration of the Treasurer’s Report
3.Report of the President
4.Old Business
5.New Business
Article 9
Section 1.
These Bylaws shall be accepted or amended by a two-thirds vote of the Full Members of the Club present at a regular or special meeting. Five days prior written notice of the proposed action on the Bylaws shall be given all Full Members of the Club.