Education - Part 5C1
Maintenance of Way - Introduction
Maintenance of Way (MOW) is non-revenue producing but it protects and enhances the potential for revenue generation by reducing accidents, speeding operation and providing a smooth, safe ride on the rails. MOW requires significant investment in specialized equipment and personnel.
MOW is not simply a discretionary task for railroads. All maintenance that can affect safe railroad operation is governed by laws, rules and regulations of the various governments under which a railroad must operate. In the United States the individual states will mandate various aspects of MOW a railroad must adhere to. At the national level, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Surface Transportation Board (STB) are the main agencies governing railroad operations. In addition, various standards and best practices are promulgated by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) and by the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA).
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